| 1. | The indifference curve may be compared with a contour line on a map . 无差别曲线可以与地图上的等高线相比拟。 |
| 2. | The data could be compared with the well-developed physical theories . 数据能与已经充分发展的物理学理论相对照。 |
| 3. | We forget how small the area of europe is compared with the rest of the world . 我们忘记了,以欧洲的面积与世界其他地域比较,是何等渺小。 |
| 4. | The frequencies of the returned beams are compared with them to obtain the true ground speed . 将它们与反回射束作对比而获得真实的地面速度。 |
| 5. | The army general staff cannot be compared with the general staff in the first world war . 陆军参谋总部与第一次世界大战的参谋总部是不能相比的。 |
| 6. | This somewhat lengthy statement should be clear when it is compared with eq. (4-27) . 这样的叙述未免有点冗长,但与方程(427)对照起来,应该是清楚的。 |
| 7. | Stopping can very well be compared with bench blasting but requires considerably larger charges . 崩落则十分相似于梯段爆破,只不过所需的装药量比较大一些。 |
| 8. | This might be compared with the jumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise . 这种现象可以与合在一起构成普通噪音的声波波长的混杂情况相比。 |
| 9. | The lower zone and the bronzite of the transition zone may be compared with the basal zone of the still-water complex . 下岩带和过渡带的古铜辉岩可与斯蒂尔沃特杂岩的基底岩带相比。 |
| 10. | These calculations can be compared with the chemical analyses of meteorites in an attempt to ascertain the conditions in the nebula at the time of their formations . 这些计算可与陨星的化学分析相比较,从而推断在它们形成时星云中的条件。 |